Back to Basics: What is Mindfulness?
We’ve had so much new interest in our website lately…the word is out that scientists and high accountability professionals everywhere in the realm of law enforcement want...
We’ve had so much new interest in our website lately…the word is out that scientists and high accountability professionals everywhere in the realm of law enforcement want...
Hello, Smiling Scientists! I wanted to draw your attention to a new YouTube video I’ve posted on our “About Us” page,all the way down at the bottom where...
As the holidays become more hectic (or joyous…or joyously hectic) I invite you to have intentions regarding your well-being for today, and moving into the next year. ...
I’m reading an outstanding book right now that systematically runs down the history of meditation research and how scientists look at contemplative practices in the 21st century....
How often do you wake up excited to head to work and face another day on the job? How many of you truly enjoy what you do...
Happy intermittent sunshine, party people! The Science of Resilience course a few weeks ago taught me bunches of things about how to re-wire the way my brain works...